Animal Behavior and Habitat Selection microbiologystudy

Understanding how animals respond to their environment is a fundamental concept in biology. In this engaging hands-on lesson, high school students explore animal behavior by observing how pillbugs (also known as roly-polies or woodlice) respond to different environmental stimuli.

Part 1: Investigating Moisture Preferences

The lesson begins by introducing students to the concept of taxis, directed movement toward or away from a stimulus. Students discuss why pillbugs, which are terrestrial crustaceans, might prefer moist environments over dry ones. The class then forms hypotheses about the pillbugs’ preference.

To test this, students set up a choice chamber — a petri dish or plastic container divided into two chambers. One side is kept moist with damp filter paper, while the other side remains dry. Students place 5 pillbugs on each side of the chamber and observe their movements for 10 minutes. They record how many pillbugs occupy each side at regular intervals.

Through this activity, students gather quantitative data to determine if pillbugs have a preference for moist environments, reinforcing the importance of data collection and replication in scientific investigations.


Part 2: Designing Experiments with New Stimuli

Once students understand the basic setup, they take the inquiry further by designing their own experiments. In small groups, they choose a different environmental stimulus to test, such as light versus dark, temperature differences, or textured versus smooth surfaces. Students must clearly state their hypothesis, outline their experimental procedure, and predict what they expect to happen.

With guidance, students set up their choice chambers and observe the pillbugs’ behavior. This open-ended portion of the lesson allows students to engage in scientific inquiry, problem-solving, and collaboration.

This lesson not only teaches students about animal behavior but also empowers them to think like scientists by asking questions, testing ideas, and analyzing data. The hands-on nature of the activity makes the abstract concepts of behavioral biology come alive, creating a memorable learning experience. Basic biology students will be able to easily collect data, record observations and create graphs.

Note: I created this worksheet using Canva. If you want to make adjustments to the layout and color scheme, you can go to Canva and create a copy which you can edit. There is a more advanced version of this lab for AP Biology students. You can substitute other specimens, such as mealworms or dubia roaches.

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