Enhanced catabolism of glycine betaine and derivatives provides improved osmotic stress protection in Methylorubrum extorquens PA1 microbiologystudy
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Ahead of Print. Source link
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Ahead of Print. Source link
In an interdisciplinary study, researchers discovered that symbiotic bacteria communicate with legume plants through specific molecules and that this communication
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Volume 68, Issue 7, July 2024. Source link
Clinical Microbiology Reviews, Volume 37, Issue 2, June 2024. Source link
Scientists have discovered that the most widely-used class of antifungals in the world cause pathogens to self-destruct. The University of
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Ahead of Print. Source link
UPV/EHU researcher Irantzu Vergara has managed to analyse, simultaneously, several families of antibiotics in vegetables and earthworms. Sampling carried out
Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Volume 68, Issue 7, July 2024. Source link
Clinical Microbiology Reviews, Volume 37, Issue 2, June 2024. Source link