Bacteria Wars: Kinship in the Swarm | The Scientist Digest microbiologystudy

A single, microscopic bacterium divides and expands into a visible colony that can further organize into dynamic structures, from swarming patterns to biofilms. Microbiologist Scott Chimileski at the Marine Biological Laboratory combines microscopy and time-lapse photography to capture the visual beauty of these intricate features.

Chimileski’s interest in imaging began during graduate school and deepened while working as an imaging specialist during his postdoctoral work in Roberto Kolter’s lab at Harvard Medical School. “Roberto had over 7,000 strains in his freezer. He had a very eclectic lab and promoted people bringing in all sorts of different projects.” Read the rest of the article here.

Source: Bacteria Wars: Kinship in the Swarm | The Scientist Digest

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