DNA Repair Mechanism


In the realm of extreme biological capabilities, one organism stands out for its extraordinary ability to repair its genome even after being exposed to high doses of radiation. Deinococcus radiodurans, often referred to as “Conan the Bacterium,” showcases unparalleled resilience in the face of genetic damage. This article delves into the remarkable DNA repair mechanisms of D. radiodurans and explores the key factors contributing to its exceptional genome stability.

The Importance of DNA Repair

DNA is the blueprint of life, carrying all the genetic information necessary for the functioning and development of living organisms. However, DNA is constantly subjected to damage from various sources, including environmental factors and errors that occur during replication. Failure to repair damaged DNA can lead to mutations, genomic instability, and ultimately, cell death.

Contrary to conventional expectations, D. radiodurans owes its remarkable ability to repair its genome not solely to its DNA repair mechanisms but also to the unique structure of its genome and the resistance of its proteins. Upon radiation exposure, D. radiodurans’ radiation-resistant proteins promptly initiate the repair process, setting it apart from other organisms.

The Unique Genome of D. radiodurans

A fundamental characteristic of D. radiodurans‘ genome is its composition of two chromosomes, each containing multiple areas of homology. This ingenious design allows fragmented DNA pieces to anneal with one another, effectively facilitating the reconstitution of the shattered genome. The presence of such homologous regions significantly contributes to the organism’s exceptional ability to restore its genetic material swiftly.

DNA Repair Mechanisms in D. radiodurans

Although D. radiodurans utilizes DNA repair mechanisms similar to other organisms, its capacity for efficient repair becomes even more apparent when confronted with mutations that could have catastrophic consequences. In the microorganism world, the ability to repair genetic changes becomes imperative for survival. Fortunately, repair mechanisms are highly conserved across all life forms, and D. radiodurans is no exception.

Exploring Escherichia coli’s Repair Mechanisms

While D. radiodurans steal the spotlight in the realm of DNA repair, it is crucial to shed light on Escherichia coli’s (E. coli) repair mechanisms. E. coli, an extensively studied bacterium, serves as our focus in this section.

The First Line of Defense: Proofreading

Replicative DNA polymerases occasionally introduce incorrect nucleotides during DNA replication. However, these polymerases possess an impressive ability to detect errors promptly by evaluating the hydrogen bonds formed between the newly added nucleotide and the template nucleotide. This error detection and correction process, known as proofreading, occurs before the subsequent nucleotide is added. When a mistake is identified, the DNA polymerase can backtrack, excise the erroneous nucleotide using it’s 3′ to 5′ exonuclease activity, and replace it with the correct nucleotide. Although proofreading is highly efficient, it does not guarantee error-free replication and is not effective in correcting induced mutations.

Mismatch Repair: Correcting Imperfections

In situations where proofreading fails, organisms like E. coli rely on the mismatch repair system to rectify mismatches between base pairs. In E. coli, the enzyme MutS scans the newly replicated DNA for mismatched pairs, and MutH subsequently remove a stretch of newly synthesized DNA surrounding the mismatch. A DNA polymerase then replaces the excised nucleotides, and DNA ligase seals the resulting nick. The success of mismatch repair hinges upon the ability of repair enzymes to differentiate between parental and newly synthesized DNA strands. This distinction is achieved because newly synthesized DNA strands temporarily lack methyl groups on their bases, whereas parental DNA contains methyl groups. As a result, the repair system selectively removes mismatches from the unmethylated DNA strand, ensuring accurate replication and maintenance of genomic stability.

Excision Repair: Correcting Distortions

Excision repair mechanisms come into play when DNA damage causes distortions in the DNA double helix structure. Two types of excision repair systems, namely nucleotide excision repair and base excision repair, have been extensively studied.

Nucleotide Excision Repair

Nucleotide excision repair involves the removal of damaged nucleotides and a few nucleotides on either side of the lesion. In E. coli, an enzyme called UvrABC endonuclease takes center stage in this repair process. It cleaves the damaged nucleotides, creating a single-stranded gap. Subsequently, DNA polymerase I fill the gap by synthesizing new DNA, and DNA ligase joins the fragments to restore the integrity of the DNA molecule. This repair system exhibits impressive versatility, capable of addressing a wide range of DNA distortions, including the notorious thymine dimers.

Base Excision Repair

Base excision repair relies on DNA glycosylases, which act to remove damaged or abnormal bases, leading to the formation of apurinic or apyrimidinic (AP) sites. Enzymes known as AP endonucleases recognize these damaged DNA sites and create nicks in the DNA backbone. DNA polymerase I, equipped with its 5′ to 3′ exonuclease activity, removes the damaged region and fills the resulting gap with the correct nucleotides. Finally, DNA ligase seals the repaired DNA strand.

Direct Repair: Swift Corrections

Certain types of DNA damage, such as thymine dimers and alkylated bases, are corrected through direct repair mechanisms. Thymine dimers, caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light, can be split apart by an enzyme called photolyase, which utilizes visible light to catalyze the process. Alkyl groups, including methyl and ethyl groups attached to guanine bases, can be removed by enzymes such as alkyltransferase or methylguanine methyltransferase. These repair mechanisms directly reverse the damage, ensuring the restoration of the DNA molecule to its original state.

Recombinational Repair: Joining Forces for Repair

Recombinational repair mechanisms come into play when both bases of a pair are missing or damaged, or when there is a gap opposite a lesion. The protein RecA plays a crucial role in this repair process. It cleaves a piece of template DNA from a sister molecule and inserts it into the gap or uses it to replace a damaged strand. Bacterial cells, including E. coli, often possess an additional copy of the damaged segment due to recent replication or rapid growth. Once the template DNA is in place, other repair systems can address any remaining damage.

SOS Response: A Last Resort

In dire circumstances where DNA damage overwhelms the normal repair mechanisms, organisms activate a global control network known as the SOS response. This response involves the activation of over 50 genes following the destruction of a transcriptional repressor protein called LexA. Once LexA is degraded, the activated genes initiate the SOS response, which heavily relies on the activity of RecA.

RecA binds to breaks and gaps in single- or double-stranded DNA that arise from the cessation of DNA synthesis. This binding triggers recombinational repair and activates RecA’s coprotease function. The interaction between RecA and LexA leads to LexA’s self-destruction through autoproteolysis. The destruction of LexA results in increased transcription of genes involved in excision repair and recombinational repair. To provide the necessary time for DNA repair, the production of the protein SfiA blocks cell division. If DNA repair remains incomplete after approximately 40 minutes, a process called translesion DNA synthesis is triggered.

During translesion DNA synthesis, specialized DNA polymerases such as DNA polymerase IV (also known as DinB) and DNA polymerase V (UmuCD) come into play. These polymerases are capable of synthesizing DNA across gaps and lesions that had previously stalled DNA polymerase III, even in the absence of an intact template. However, due to their error-prone nature and lack of proofreading activity, these polymerases often introduce incorrect bases during the synthesis process. Consequently, translesion DNA synthesis is highly mutagenic, leading to the generation of numerous mutations.

The SOS response derives its name from the critical situation in which it occurs—a life-or-death scenario. By allowing DNA synthesis to continue, despite the risk of introducing mutations, the SOS response increases the likelihood of the organism’s survival. The potential consequences of failing to replicate DNA far outweigh the risks posed by the errors generated by this error-prone process.


In conclusion, the maintenance of genome stability is a fundamental aspect of cellular survival. Organisms have evolved various DNA repair mechanisms to ensure the integrity of their genetic material. From the proofreading ability of DNA polymerases to the intricate excision, direct, and recombinational repair systems, cells employ a range of strategies to correct DNA damage. In extreme cases where damage overwhelms the normal repair mechanisms, the SOS response is activated as a last-ditch effort to facilitate DNA repair and enhance the chances of survival.

The extraordinary DNA repair mechanisms of organisms like Deinococcus radiodurans and Escherichia coli highlight the remarkable adaptability and resilience of life in the face of genetic damage. Understanding these mechanisms not only deepens our knowledge of fundamental biological processes but also holds significant implications for fields such as medicine and biotechnology.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Q: How does DNA repair contribute to genome stability?

A: DNA repair mechanisms help maintain the integrity of the genetic material by correcting damage and preventing the accumulation of mutations.

  1. Q: What is the role of the SOS response in DNA repair? 

A: The SOS response is a global control network that activates under severe DNA damage conditions. It induces various repair pathways and allows DNA synthesis to continue, albeit with an increased risk of introducing mutations.

  1. Q: Are DNA repair mechanisms conserved across different organisms?

A: Yes, DNA repair mechanisms are highly conserved across all life forms, highlighting their essential role in maintaining genome stability.

  1. Q: How does mismatch repair ensure accurate replication? 

A: Mismatch repair systems recognize and remove mismatches between base pairs in the newly replicated DNA, ensuring accurate replication by selectively targeting the unmethylated strand.

  1. Q: What are the consequences of incomplete DNA repair?

A: Incomplete DNA repair can lead to the accumulation of mutations, which can have detrimental effects on cellular functions, including increased susceptibility to diseases such as cancer.

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