Mycology Fungi and Lichenology – Exam Capsule Quick Revision Notes microbiologystudy

Mycology Fungi and Lichenology - Exam Capsule Quick Revision Notes
  •  Specialized cell typical of many fungal plant pathogens that is used to infect host plants: Appressorium
  • vegetative mode of reproduction in fungi :Fragmentation, Rhizomorph ,  Sclerotia
  • Rhizopus, Pencillium and Aspergillus are examples of  Saprophytic fungi
  • edible fungi : Agaricus bispora , Volvariella volvacea, Pleurotussajor caju
  • fruiting body of ascomycetes. : Cleistothecium , Perithecium , Gymnothecium
  • Brachymeiosis :A second reduction division following the usual two meiotic divisions reputed to occur in the ascus of certain fungi
  • Apothecium – Peziza
  • Cleistothecium -Erysiphe   Fungi and Common name
  •  Perithecium -Claviceps
  • Phycomycetes – Pilobolus
  • Ascostroma – Loculoascomycetidae
  • Basidospores differ from ascospores : Four spores and are exogenously produced
  • Club fungi- Agaricus (Life cycle of Agaricus)
  • Agaricus bisporous – Button mushroom
  • Lycoperdon sps. -Puff ball
  • Amanita phalloides – Death cap
  • Oyster mushroom- Pleurotus sajor-caju
  • Mushroom- Plectenchyma
  • Chitin formula -C22H54N4O21


  • They are known as water moulds
  • They cause seedling blights, damping-off, root rots and foliar blights
  • The nuclei of vegetative cells of these fungi are typically diploid
  • The fungal group presently classified under protists is Oomycetes


  • Zygomycetes – Hypahe are generally aseptated
  • Breadmoulds- Zygomycotina


  • Ascomycetes – Hyphae are generally septated
  • Flask shaped fruiting body present in Ascomycetes- Perithecium
  • Phycomycetes : Aseptate mycelium
  • Asexual, hollow fungal fruiting body lined inside with conidiophores is called Pycnidium  

Myxomycetes, the fungus like organisms are characterized by

  • Wall less myxamoebae, swarm cells and plasmodium
  • Spores with cellulose cell wall
  • Fructifications with a thin wall called peridium which is often calcified and may contain cellulose

Slime moulds

  • The fruiting bodies of slime moulds are called sori


  • Basidiomycetes – Sexual spore are produced externally on a basidium
  • Basidiospores is also known as ballistospores
  • Clamp connections are formed during cell division in the Dikaryotic secondary mycelium in Basidiomycetes


  • Fungi Imperfecti – Asexual reproduction occurs by means of conidia


  • green mould
  • Sterigma is seen in Pencillium

Puccinia are characterized by

  • Macrocyclic and heteroeciourust fungus. It produces uredia and telia stages on wheat plant. The spores produced on wheat are uredospores and teleutospores.
  • Uredospores can re-infect wheat but teleutospores cannot do it. Instead they give rise to basidia.
  • Basidiospores infect barberry.
  • Spores of Puccinia causing infection on wheat plant is Aeciospore
  • Pycnidia develop on the upper surface of barberry leaves.
  • Dikaryotisation occurs. It gives rise to aecidial stage.
  • Aecidia develop on the lower surface of barberry leaves. They form aecidiospores which infect Wheat.

Economic Importance of Fungi

  • The yeast used for the production of riboflavin : Eremothecium ashbyi
  • Citric acid – Aspergillus niger
  • Cellulase – Trichoderma viride
  • Vitamin B12 – Propionibacterium freudenreichii
  • Butanol – Clostridium acetobutylicum
  • LSD is obtained from Claviceps purpurea
  • Damping off – Pythium
  • Smut -Ustilago
  • Rust – Puccinia
  • Downy mildew – Plasmopara
  • The feeding of avidin may result in a deficiency of Biotin
  • Ergot of rye is caused by a species of  Claviceps
  • The fungus associated with human oral or vaginal infection is Candida


  • Lichen with a 3-dimensional branching, bushy appearance, like a leafless shrub is called  Fruticose lichen
  • Parmelia is known as Rock flower
  • In Lichens ,  special vegetative structure is formed as respiratory organsCyphellae
  • In lichens that have both green algal and cyanobacterial symbionts, the cyanobacteria are restricted to structures called Cephalodia
  • Vegetative reproduction in lichens takes place by soredia , Isidia , fragmentation
  • Among the fungi Ascomycetes are the economically most useful group and Cladonia is Ascolichen kind of a Lichen
  • Usnea belongs to fruticose lichen
  • Cladonia verticillata is a Fruticose lichen
  • Parmelia  belongs to Ascolichen
  • Cyphellae, Cephalodia, Isidia and Soredia are certain specialized structures associated with thalli of Lichen.
  • Lichen is/are used as a source of food:
  • Iceland moss (Cetraria islandica)
  • Wila (Bryoria fremontii)
  • Rock tripe (Umbilicaria esculenta)
  • Orcinol, the derivative for the dye Orcein is obtained from Roccella.
  • bio indicator of SO2 pollution:
  • Usnic acid, a dibenzofuran derivative has been utilized in medicine, perfumery and cosmetics This was isolated by the German scientist W. Knop in 1844.
  • Name the lichen/s yield usnic acid: Usnea, Cladonia, Lecanora
  • Litmus is a dye obtained Roccella lichen
  • Glomeromycota : Symbiotic associations between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and plant roots are widespread in the natural environment and can provide benefits to the host plant. If so identify the members of this phylum form arbuscular mycorrhizae
  • Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizae (VAM) is found in Plant roots
  • Hartig net is found in Both in Ecto mycorrhizae and ectendomycorrhizae
  • The fine endings of the hyphae of mycorrhiza in the cell-site of nutrient exchange between the fungus and the host :Arbuscules

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