Some of them
have xylem vessels in their wood
Scutellum in
Monocots: Scaly haustorial embryonic leaf
Gynostegium relates to Fusion of
stamens with gynoecium
In Wheat and rice : Pericarp is
fused with seed coat
Leaf of Tamarindus indica is
In Smilax tendrils are Modified stipules
Cladode -Asparagus
Phylloclade – Opuntia
Leaf tendril -Gloriosa
Stem tendril – Passiflora
Stem tuber- potato
Angiosperm: Heterosporous, Male
gametes are non motille
Protandrous: Androecium matures first
Fruits Samara fruit- Dioscorea |
Inflorescence Hypanthodium- Ficus |
Sorosis – Jack fruit |
Spike- Achyranthus Spike – Ophioglossum |
Hesperidium- Citrus sinensis |
Capitulum consist of Ray florets and disc florets |
Aggregate fruits – Annonaceae (Custard Apple)
Cyathium -Male flowers represented |
Caryopsis – Poaceae
Umbel- Flowers with stalks of equal |
Siliqua – Brassicaceae |
Corymb – Older and younger flowers |
The dry, one seeded and indehiscent |
Hypanthodium – Peduncle is modified
Legume : One chambered dry dehiscent fruit that dehisces along the sutures Legume – Fabaceae |
The characteristic |
Cyathium –Euphorbiaceae
Cypsela-Helianthus annuus
Plant Taxonomy Short Notes
Asclepidceae Pollinia |
Myrtaceae |
Ranunculaceae |
Melastomaceae |
Verbanaceae rarely gynobasic |
Magnoliaceae |
Cucurbitaceae |
Capparidaceae |
Rubiaceae Paracytic stomata |
Polygalaceae |
Asteraceae Syngenecious anthers are present |
Cryophyllaceae |
Asclepiadaceae |
Malvaceae Monothecous anther |
Liliaceae |
Commelinaceae |
Arecaceae |
Araceae |
Orchidaceae |
Cyperaceae |
Boraginaceae |
Poaceae The scaly membraneous perianth of graminae |
Leguminosae 6 |
Scitamineae |
Amaranthaceae |
Lamiaceae Gynobasic style – Leucas aspera Verticellaster |
Euphorbiaceae |
Dipterocarpacae Trifid style |
Nymphaceae Laminar stamen |
Brassicaceae Siliqua is the characteristic fruit |
Podostemaceae families is pseudo embryo sac present |
· · |
Apocarpous pistil -Artabotrys
Petals are absent in Saraca Asoca
· Chenopodiaceae, Portulacaceae, Aizoaceae,
Cactaceae, Nyctaginaceae, Phytolaccaceae, Stegnospermaceae, Basellaceae,
Amaranthaceae and Didieraceae,
which have been placed under a single, order Centrospermae based on the
chemotaxonomic marker Betalins.
Solanaceae: Carpels 2, syncarpous in an obliquely placed superior ovary
Family having the ability to produce cyanogenic
glycosides as a chemotaxonomic marker character: Rosaceae , Leguminosae, Poaceae
Trees with resin; coracious leaves;
flower actionomorphic, hermaphrodite, sepals 5, polysepalous, persistent;
petals 5, polypetalous; stamens many in one to several whorls, slightly
polyandrous, carpels 3, syncarpous, superior; Fruit samara with persistent
sepals : Dipetrocarpaceae
Gigantic trees with an abundant resin;
coracious leaves; flower actionomorphic, hermaphrodite, hypogynous; sepals 5,
polysepalous, persistent; petals 5, polypetalous; stamens many in one to
several whorls, slightly polyandrous, carpels 3, syncarpous, superior; Fruit
samara enclosed in persistent sepals: Dipetrocarpaceae
Verbanaceae: Gynoecium is bicarpellary, superior,
Ovary-2-4-celled, placentation axile, ovule 1 or 2 in each loculus,
Style-Simple, terminal, rarely gynobasic
Polygalaceae: Flowers are irregular and bisexual, 5 sepals
but usually 3 green outer sepals and 2 petallike inner sepals. United petals,
usually fused with the stamens, and the lower petal is often fringed. There are
8 stamens, fused to the petals. The ovary is positioned superior. It consists
of 2 united carpels with the partition walls present, forming an equal number
of chambers. It matures as a capsule, nut, or drupe
Actinomorphic, pentamerous, hypogynous
flowers with monadelphous stamen are characterstic features of Malvaceae
The family/families possess(es)
accessory vascular bundles in the pith – medullary bundles, and in the cortex-
cortical bundles either in rings or irregularly: Amaranthaceae and Nyctaginaceae
Labellum in
Orchidaceae comes to anterior side by the
twisting of the ovary through 1800. This process is called Resupination
Poaceae – Gramineae
Fabaceae – Papilionaceae (Marginal
Lamiaceae – Labiatae
Brassicaceae – Cruciferae
Asteraceae- Rubiaceae
Unilocular Ovary – Sunflower
Bilocular Ovary – Petunia
Trilocular Ovary- Asparagus
Pentalocular Ovary –Hibiscus
Economic Botany
Asafoetida – Ferula
White dammar -Vateria.
Rose wood – Dalbergia
Para rubber – Hevea