Plant Pathology Short Notes – Diseases and Causative Organism microbiologystudy

PLANT PATHOLOGY Quick revision Notes

False smut of paddy – Ustilaginoidea virens
Blight of paddy is caused by Xanthomonas oryzae
Spodoptera mauritia is a pest of Paddy
The ‘army worm’
which attack paddy is the larvae of

Ustilaginoidea sp. – False smut of

is the pest
of Banana

Citrus canker (Xanthomonas axonopodis pv citri)
Red rust of tea -Cephaleuros

Red rust of tea: caused by an alga
Coffee rust –hemileia vastatrix fungus.
Yellow vein mosaic of ladies finger – Begomovirus
Late blight of Potato – Phytophthora

Red rot of Sugarcane – Colletorichum
Quick wilt of pepper – Phytophthora

Coffee rust -Hemileia vastatrix
Pink disease of rubber is caused by
Corticium salmonicolor

Powdery mildew of rubber -Oidium

Late blight of potato -Phytophthora

Alternaria – Early blight of potato
Ustilago –  Loose smut of wheat
Peronosporales – Downy mildews
Hemileia sp. -Coffee rust
Oidium sp- Powdery mildew of Rubber
Bengal famine was
caused by Helminthosporium oryzae

·Symptoms of Leaf spot of Mango are water-soaked, irregular, black lesions
surrounded by chlorotic halos. Due to vein limitations, the spots become
angular and result in cankerous, rough, necrotic, raised lesions. Name the
causative: Xanthomonas campestris

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