RNA-based logic for selective protein expression in senescent cells microbiology

Cellular senescence is a cellular state characterized by irreversible growth arrest, resistance to apoptosis and secretion of inflammatory molecules, which is causally linked to the pathogenesis of many age-related diseases. Besides, there is accumulating evidence that selective removal of senescent cells can benefit therapies for cancer and fibrosis by modulating the inflammatory microenvironment. While the field of so-called senolytics has spawned promising small molecules and peptides for the selective removal of senescent cells, there is still no effective means to detect senescent cells in vivo, a prerequisite for understanding the role of senescence in pathophysiology and to assess the effectiveness of treatments aimed at removing senescent cells. Here, we present a strategy based on an mRNA logic circuit, that yields mRNA-dependent protein expression only when a senescence-specific miRNA signature is present. Following a validation of radiation-induced senescence induction in primary human fibroblasts, we identify miRNAs up- and downregulated in association with cellular senescence using RT-qPCR. Incorporating binding sites to these miRNAs into the 3’ untranslated regions of the mRNA logic circuit, we demonstrate the senescence-specific expression of EGFP for detection of senescent cells and of a constitutively active caspase-3 for selective removal. Altogether, our results pave the way for a novel approach to execute an mRNA-based programme specifically in senescent cells aimed at their detection or selective removal.

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