Short Notes on Bryophytes – Pteridophytes – Gymnosperms microbiologystudy

Short Notes on Bryophytes - Pteridophytes - Gymnosperms


Famous Indian Bryologist: DK Singh

·   Hepaticae: Each cell in the thallus contains many chloroplasts; the
chloroplasts are without pyrenoids.

Anthocerotae: Each cell of the thallus possesses a single large chloroplast
with a pyrenoid.

In Moss, primary protonema is haploid and gametophytic

diploid in moss
plant- Spore mother cell

Elators and pseudoelators in the capsules of bryophyte are meant for Spore dispersal

sporangia of mosses? Sporocytes undergo meiosis to produce

When moss
spore germinate they form  Protonema , then a leafy gametophyte

sporophyte contains pseudoelators in Anthoceros

Funaria:  The conducting tissues do not consists Xylem and Phloem tissues in

class “Metzgeriidae” belongs Jungermanniopsida

bryophyte, the sporophyte at maturity has reduced to the sporangia.

·       Liverworts
and mosses grow on soil, on dampy soil, on rocks, and on tree trunks and also
in water

Pteridophytes and bryophytes common characters :multicellular
sex organs with sterile jacket cells

Porella-  xerophytic bryophyte

Marchantia, the liverwort is characterized by

Female organs are known as archegonia
and are protected by the thin surrounding perichaetum

Antheridia are enclosed by a protective
layer of cells called the perigonium

Male gametes are produced in numerous
and multiflagellate

The sporophyte
hangs down from the underside of the archegonium.


Bryophyte with Nostoc clony can be seen in the thallus : Anthoceros

Pseudo-elaters are present in Anthoceros


can produce an embryo during sexual

The spore dispersal mechanism of Funaria- 
Peristomial teeth


most primitive
water conducting structures known as hydroids are found in  Sphagnum

Bryophyte is known for its capacity to
hold water and as a source of peat:


In the
prothallus of the fern plant , The nuclei of all cells including sex organs
and gametes have monoploid number

protostele of Lycopodium
species shows variations with respect to its shape and arrangement of vascular
tissue such as actinostele, plectostele, mixed protostels and plectosteles.

of sporangia takes place by a vertical splitting in Selaginella

Classification of Pteridophyte

·         Pteridophytes with endosporic gametophytes
will be heterosporic

In megaphyllous
pteridophytes emergence of leaf traces leaves gaps in the stele.

Stelar types
in Pteridophytes
has leaf traces:

Telome theory of Zimmermann

Telome concept has been used in understanding the origin and
evolution of the major groups of pteridophytes.

Overtopping -> Reduction -> Plantation -> Syngenesis
or webbing ->Curvation

series led to the evolution of
megaphyllous leaves:

Over topping – planation – syngenesis

Gametes are prouced in Prothallus

Vascular bundle in which xylem
surrounds phloem is termed as Amphivasal.

Antherozoids are spirally coiled and
multi- flagellated- Psilotopsida

Spores may be homosporous or
heterosporous – Lycopsida

Gametophytes are exosporic and green
–  Sphenopsida

Tree fern-Cyathea

Rhynia has apical sporangium , 
Rhynia is a single-species genus of Devonian vascular plants , Rhynia
gwynne-vaughanii was the sporophyte generation of a vascular plant.

actinostele, plectostele, medullated protostele alone are protosteles


A pteridophyte with the structures,
velum and foramen.

Prismatic tissue – Isoetes


Heterospous pteridophyte

Male gametes in Selaginella are biflagellate.


Fossil pteridophyte Rhynia major
belong to Psilophytales.

Rhynia belongs to devonian

is a pteridophyte without the
differentiation into true leaves and roots


is a rootless Pteridophyte.

The archegonia are deeply sunk in the
apical cushion. They have a very short neck, an egg cell, a venter canal cell
and a two nucleate neck canal cell.


Pteridophyte with elators

Peltate disc is the characteristic feature of strobilus
from the pteridophyta member

siphonostele having a single phloem
ring external to the xylem is called as ectophloic siphonostele.

Vallecular canals
and Carinal canals
are the characteristic features of Equisetum


In the mature sporocarp of Marsilea, inner
parenchymatous zone
cells gelatinise and form a gelatinous ring which helps
in the dehiscence of the sporocarp at maturity.


The maturity of sporangia within a
sorus is varied. where, the sorus type

is a simple i.e., all the sporangia develop

Tassel –  Osmunda


It is an aquatic fern

It hosts symbiotic nitrogen fixing
blue-green alga

Its vascular cylinder is siphonostelic

Sporocarp – Azolla



– microspores and megaspores, are typically produced in male ones or ovulate
cones, respectively.

Cycads and
Ginkgo have motile sperm that swim directly to the egg inside the ovule,
whereas conifers and gnetophytes have sperm with no flagella that are conveyed
to the egg along a pollen tube.

The mature
seed comprises the embryo, the endosperm which is haploid, serves as food
supplier with a seed coat.


Generally xylem vessels are absent

In gymnosperms the endosperm is haploid

Softwood are wood of gymnosperm.

Largest ovules are found in

Manoxylic wood with large amount of parenchyma

The general pollination mechanism in
gymnosperms is:

Pollination in gymnosperms occurs by wind.

A protective
covering in gymnosperms, which morphologically is equivalent to ovuliferous
scale, develops next to the integument: Epimatium


Gymnosperm with winged pollen

Winged seeds
are present

The seed known by the name ‘Chilgoza’, that is used as a dry fruit Pinus gerardiana

Welwitschia mirabilis: monotypic gymnosperm genus

a plant with a thick, short stem less
than 45 cm above the soil and a pair of large leathery leaves about two meters
long in the south coast of the walvis Bay in South Africa.

Gnetum-  which is a woody climberGnetum


Ginkgo biloba the only living fossil representative of


wood, the strongest coniferous wood
is obtained from  Cedrus



Gymnosperms is a profusely branching
shrub:  Ephedra distachya

Economic Importance of Gymnosperms

An anticancer drug obtained
from Gymnosperm is Taxol

Ramenta –

Sporangium- Rhynia

wood -Pinus

Ovules at
the tip of a stalk – Ginkgo

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