Short Notes on Horticulture microbiologystudy


Short Notes on Horticulture

·    Grafting is not successful in
compared to dicots due to Absence of cambium for secondary

Objective of vegetative propagation:

Multiplication of an elite variety

Production of ‘true to the type’

Cost effective multiplication of

In pruning care should be taken to avoid

Cutting at internodes

Cutting in dry season

Cutting in flowering season

Terrarium: A miniature
garden grown in glass vessels, bottles and dishes

Bonsai Culture: Tap root pruning  – Wiring- Aging

The methodology of propagation methods
of selected horticultural species by specialized pegging a branch in soil
is known as Layering.

Commonly practiced artificial
vegetative propagation in rubber –

The method of vegetative propagation
in which the scion is separated from the mother plant only after the
of the graft union:
Approach grafting

Puddling is carried in horticulture to: Reduce percolation of water , Pulverise
and levelling soil and Kill weeds.

air layering,
cutting the bark off the stem, known as girdling
is performed for Stimulating root formation just
above the point of girdling , Helping in breaking off the stem when it is
rooted , Gradually starving the stem.

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