Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC)

Chromatography is a biochemical technique, in which the compounds of the Mixture are separated based on their differential migration and solubility. Thin layered chromatography is a modified paper chromatography. Thin layer chromatography is simply called TLC.

Procedure of Thin Layer chromatography

  • In thin layer chromatography silica gel or alumina powder is used as a thin layer On a glass plate and hence the name thin layer chromatography.
  • It is an adsorption chromatography.
  • In thin layer chromatography the compounds of a mixture are separated between Solid and liquid phases.
  • The glass plate functions as the supporting phase.
  • The silica gel or the alumina powder functions as the solid stationary phase.
  • A suitable solvent is used as the liquid mobile phase.
  • The silica gel is allowed to spread as a thin layer on the glass plate. It is allowed to Dry At room temperature. It is activated by heating in an oven at 250°C.
  • The mixture is spotted at one end of the thin layer.
  • The glass plate is kept in a jar in a slanding position.
  • A suitable solvent is added to the jar. The solvent level should be below the level Of the spot.
  • The solvent moves up in the thin layer carrying the compounds.
  • After 30 minutes the glass plate is removed and is dried.
  • A suitable reagent is sprayed to locate the compounds.
  • Rf (resolution front) is calculated. Rf=Distance travelled by amino acid / Distance travelled by solvent
Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC)

Significance of TLC

  1. It is an easy technique than paper chromatography.
  2. It requires less time.
  3. It is a sensitive technique.
  4. It is more efficient.
  5. It is faster than paper chromatography.
  6. It is used to separate not only amino acids but a variety of chemicals.
Paper Chromatography

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