What is In situ conservation and Ex situ Biodiversity Conservation? microbiologystudy

Two types of conservation methods are prevalent. They are: 

1. In-situ conservation method in which organisms are protected in
their natural habitats 

 2. Ex-situ conservation method in which
organisms are protected outside their natural habitats.

In-situ conservation and Ex-situ Biodiversity Conservation

1. In-situ conservation

  • Wild Life Sanctuary:
    These are forest areas declared as
    protected areas to prevent the
    extinction of wild lives by protecting
    the ecosystem.
  • National Parks are designed to protect
    wild lives along with the protection
    of historical monuments, natural
    resources and geographical features
    of an area.
  • Community reserves are areas protected with the participation of the public.
    These are ecologically important places located in populated areas.
  • Biosphere reserves :These are vast regions designed with an aim to protect world’s
    important ecosystems, biodiversity and genetic resources.
  • Sacred groves: These are small areas of biodiversity protected
    in regions inhabited by human beings. Due to
    changes in life style many of these which were
    highly bio-rich have been destroyed. Only a few
    are remaining now. Sacred groves play an
    important role in the conservation of water in the
    region too.
  • Ecological hotspots are areas
    rich in endemic species but
    facing the threat of habitat
    destruction. Each hotspot is
    ecologically a very important
    area of biodiversity. Out of the
    34 hotspots all over the world, 3
    of them are in India. They are the
    Western Ghats, North-Eastern
    Himalayas and the Indo-Burma

2. Ex-situ conservation 

  • Zoological gardens are conservation centres where
    different varieties of animals are protected and housed
    separately and where necessary arrangements are made
    available for their reproduction. They also function as
    conservation centres of organisms which have become
    extinct in wild. 
  •  Botanical gardens
    These are wide research centres where rare and important
    plants of diverse species are protected. 
  • Gene Banks
    These are research centres with facilities to collect seeds
    and gametes to preserve them for a long time. Organisms
    can be recreated out of them whenever required. 

             Example: Rajiv
Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology (RGCB)


Insitu and Exsitu Conservation Methods

Biodiversity conservation may be in situ as well as ex
In in situ conservation, the endangered species are protected in their
habitat so that the entire ecosystem is protected. Recently, 34 biodiversity
’ in the world have been proposed for intensive
efforts. Of these, three (Western Ghats-Sri Lanka,
and Indo-Burma) cover India’s rich biodiversity regions. Our
in situ conservation efforts are reflected in its 14 biosphere reserves,
90 national parks, > 450 wildlife sanctuaries and many sacred
Ex situ conservation methods include protective maintenance of
threatened species in zoological parks and botanical gardens,
in vitro fertilisation, tissue culture propagation and cryopreservation

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